How far in advance do I need to be at Schiphol?

It goes without saying that you don’t want to be late for your flight, but arriving at the airport way too early isn’t a great idea either. After all, there’s no need to reserve your spot at the gate or anything like that. But what is just the right time to arrive at Schiphol? Keep on reading to find out.

When do I need to check in?

Check with your airline for the latest advice at what time you should arrive at Schiphol. Arriving an hour earlier than that might seem like a good plan, but there’s actually no point. You’ll often just find yourself waiting unnecessarily because the airline hasn’t yet opened the check-in desks and you can’t drop off your baggage. And this could lead to crowding in the departure hall. That’s why you should always check your airline’s recommendations and find out when check-in will be open.

Your travel day

Imagine being well-organised and on time, only to find that there are roadworks on your way to the airport and you experience delays. That’s why you should check the information about your travel day before setting off. On this page, you’ll see how busy it is at the airport and we inform you of any roadworks or disruptions at or around Schiphol. On the vanAnaarBeter website, you can see the planned roadworks for the whole country. If you’re planning on coming to Schiphol by train, check the NS website to see if there are any planned works or other issues. By knowing what to expect, you can be well-prepared for your journey.

Download the Schiphol app

At home, on the road or at the airport – the Schiphol app means you’ll always have the latest travel information at hand. You can check the status of your flight, and your personal travel itinerary shows you which departure hall you need to be in, when you can check in and where you can drop off your baggage. If you turn on notifications, you’ll be alerted when it’s time to go to the gate and when boarding has started. This means you can really make the most of your time after going through the security check. Find out more about the Schiphol app or download it right away from App Store or Google Play.

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