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Today, 27 April

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    KL 587 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8434, DL 9587

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closed

    KL 1665 KLM Flight is Also known as: DL 9601, KQ 1691, MF 9347

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding
  • Departure time
    Original departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closed

    UA 969 United Airlines Flight is Also known as: LH 8741

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closed
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closing
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    KL 735 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 5477

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    KL 1655 KLM Flight is Also known as: DL 9583

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    KL 1935 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6322, CZ 7717, DL 9322, MH 5642, MF 9622

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closing

    KL 1967 KLM Flight is Also known as: OU 5901, DL 9334

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    KL 1423 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 3218, DL 9291

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closing

    KL 1633 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6243, MU 1827, DL 9307, MF 9770

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closing
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    DL 145 Delta Air Lines Flight is Also known as: AF 3599, KL 6038, VS 3962

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate closing

    KL 895 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8447, MU 1552

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 1169 KLM Flight is Also known as: DL 9310, G3 5699, AZ 3758

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 1923 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6348, CZ 7712, DL 9430, G3 5584, MH 5675, MF 9730

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding

    DL 165 Delta Air Lines Flight is Also known as: AF 3594, KL 6104, VS 4059

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 589 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8249, DL 9372

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 681 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8378, DL 9395, VS 6874

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1325 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 3137, DL 9677

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change

    KL 1779 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6304, CZ 7777, DL 9192, MF 9335

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Now boarding
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 671 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8275, DL 9288, VS 6862

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change

    KL 941 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6319, AF 8385, DL 9239, G3 5528, AZ 3749, KQ 1473, VS 6897, MF 9756

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1855 KLM Flight is Also known as: AM 6333, CZ 7634, DL 9553, MF 9688

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    MS 758 Egypt Air Flight is Also known as: ET 1454, TP 7010

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    AF 1437 Air France Flight is Also known as: AM 6189, MU 1884, DL 8414, KL 2017

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change

    HV 6919 Transavia Flight is Also known as: KL 2754

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open

    KL 425 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 3123, DL 9218, SV 6301

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1129 KLM Flight is Also known as: DL 9612

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change

    KL 1011 KLM Flight is Also known as: CI 9359, CZ 7604, GA 9370, G3 5530, KQ 1023, VS 6995, MF 9640

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1307 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8314, DL 9238

  • Departure time
    Original departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate open
  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    Gate change

    KL 897 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 8443, CZ 768

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1141 KLM Flight is Also known as: DL 9590, G3 5565, MF 9740

  • Departure time
    Expected time
    Flight status
    On schedule

    KL 1245 KLM Flight is Also known as: AF 3165, DL 9351

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