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Blogs about Schiphol

  • Plant-based bonanza at Plaza

    Published on:

    With more and more meat-free meals and snacks at various places at Schiphol, vegetarians are well catered for. You can enjoy a plant-based bonanza at Plaza!

  • A day in the life of... a project controller

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    We asked project controller Isho Toma about his position within the Finance & Control department at Schiphol and discovered that it’s a multifaceted role.

  • Ook Schiphol herdenkt met twee minuten stilte

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    Eens per jaar is het 2 minuten stil op Schiphol. Want ook hier herdenken we de Nederlandse slachtoffers van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en latere oorlogssituaties.

Blogs about sustainability

  • Cleaner fresh air

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    Indoor climate in stationary aircraft no longer controlled by kerosene-powered auxiliary engine, but by electrically-powered PCA.

  • Super battery being tested at Schiphol

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    Schiphol is the first airport with a special battery for extra electricity storage. Greater supply is needed for all the electric equipment.

  • Special high-voltage substation

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    New high-voltage substation contributes to one of Schiphol’s most significant sustainability goals: zero emissions in 2030.

Blogs about Schiphol as a neighbour

  • Neighbour Days 2023 full of info and spectacle

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    An information market, the snow fleet in its full glory, and an impressive firefighter drill. The 2023 Schiphol Neighbour Days were a huge success.

  • DeNoize tests smart window tech near Schiphol

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    DeNoize has constructed a pilot house near Schiphol to test their pioneering smart window technology that can reduce noise nuisance experienced by residents.

  • Planning maintenance with our neighbours in mind

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    When a runway undergoes maintenance, air traffic can sometimes be affected. That’s why the planning of runway maintenance is so important.

Blogs about innovation

  • Tap and go with your Digital Travel Credential!

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    Can you board and cross the border faster with a digital travel document? At the request of the EU, we are testing a DTC together with the government and KLM.

  • Test capturing ultrafine particles with droplets

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    We are working diligently to reduce the amount of ultrafine particles. A possibility is the use of water droplets to remove ultrafine particles from the air.

  • Autonomous Bus Initiative

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    Our ambition: operating the world's most sustainable and top-tier airports by 2050. With this in mind we're putting autonomous buses to the test on airside.