Latest news

Royal Schiphol Group is constantly working on making its airports and the aviation sector more sustainable. Here is the latest news.

  • Cleaner fresh air

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    Indoor climate in stationary aircraft no longer controlled by kerosene-powered auxiliary engine, but by electrically-powered PCA.

  • Super battery being tested at Schiphol

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    Schiphol is the first airport with a special battery for extra electricity storage. Greater supply is needed for all the electric equipment.

  • Special high-voltage substation

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    New high-voltage substation contributes to one of Schiphol’s most significant sustainability goals: zero emissions in 2030.

  • More electric equipment

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    Most diesel generators have now been replaced by electric ones. Schiphol provides almost all planes parked at the gate with electrical power.

  • Start construction circular checkpoint

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    For the new checkpoint we are using material left over after the demolition of three office buildings and three cargo buildings at Schiphol.

  • Highest ACI accreditation for sustainability

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    Industry association Airports Council International (ACI) has awarded three of our airports the highest possible level for sustainability.

  • Award-winning circular concrete soon at Schiphol

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    The winner of the SHARE Award 2023 is one we know well. Bio Bound's sustainable and now award-winning concrete products will soon be at Schiphol.

  • Circular solution for PFAS-containing soil

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    Will we be able to reuse our PFAS-contaminated soil by means of a soil treatment facility and an innovative brick-making process?

  • Crushing concrete sustainably

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    Schiphol is opening an on-site facility to crush concrete and reuse it to make new products.

  • Schiphol in line with ‘Paris’

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    SBTi has concluded that Schiphol’s sustainability goals are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • More charging points help us become emission free

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    A fully emission-free Schiphol by 2030. A big ambition, but one we are confident in achieving. And electrification will play a large part in that.

  • Schiphol receives medal for sustainability policy

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    Ecovadis awarded us a bronze medal for our sustainability policy. This means we belong to the most sustainable 50% of organisations that had an assesment done.

  • Getting creative with concrete

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    Our designers are getting more and more creative in the ways they save concrete. And that’s much needed: 8% of global CO2 emissions comes from concrete.

  • The Future Case

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    The past, present and future of Schiphol and making aviation more sustainable come together in The Future Case.

  • New fuel for ground handling

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    All ground handling vehicles will switch to HVO100, a renewable fuel. This will lead to a 98% reduction in CO2 emissions.

  • 10,000 new charging stations for electric vehicles

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    By 2030, we will have installed up to 10,000 new charging stations. These stations are essential to achieving the goal of emission-free airports by 2030.

  • New road made of recycled plastic opens

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    This road, made from recycled plastic waste from the airport, is part of a pilot to see if this system will be a good alternative to standard asphalt roads.

  • Highest level on the way to becoming emission free

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    On 23 June, Schiphol achieved the highest level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme (ACA) run by Airports Council International (ACI).

  • New RIVM report on ultrafine particles

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    The (RIVM) has published a report on long-term exposure of local residents to ultrafine particles. Schiphol has called it an important report.

  • Sustainable upgrade at Schiphol

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    Contractors at Schiphol are becoming more and more sustainable. A great example is the upgrade of the Regionals Platform, home base for KLM Cityhopper.

  • Using mist to reduce ultrafine particles

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    Using mist to reduce particulate matter is a technique used in construction. Now we're seeing if it can lower the amount of ultrafine particles at the airport.

  • Schiphol sets up Sustainability Advisory Board

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    The initiative stems from the desire to gather independent thinkers to reflect on Schiphol's ambitions when it comes to making aviation more sustainable.

  • New electric ground equipment at Schiphol

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    Trial to sustainably provide large planes with power when parked at the airport.

  • How can planes fly on hydrogen?

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    Get ready to brush up on your chemistry knowledge with this blog filled with H2, O2 and H2Os. It’s high time to discover more about hydrogen!

  • Five surprising facts about Schiphol

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    Do you know how many electric vehicles there are at Schiphol? How green the energy is that you use to charge up your mobile phone at the gate?

  • Let’s Power Up for electric flight in Europe!

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    Flying in Europe in an easy, fast, cheap and emission-free way? If the bright minds at Power Up have anything to do with it that could be a possibility.

  • How can flying become cleaner and greener?

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    Schiphol wants to speed up sustainable aviation. With solutions like flying on hydrogen, cleaner kerosene and consuming less we’re aiming for a better future.

  • The Milk Run

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    Delivering cargo at Schiphol is a complex logistical operation that can lead to delays and unnecessary emissions. Our sustainable solution: the Milk Run.

  • Circular demolition

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    How do you demolish a building in a circular way? And how does Schiphol go about it?

  • More and more solar panels

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    You can find solar panels at an increasing number of locations at Schiphol!

  • Wildlife trafficking

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    This is how Schiphol tackles the illegal trade in animals and plants.

  • Power bank for planes

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    Schiphol provides planes at the gate with more sustainable energy.

  • 5 facts about ultrafine particles

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    TNO has investigated ultrafine particle concentrations at Schiphol. What measures is Schiphol taking?

  • First hydrogen-powered air route

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    Royal Schiphol Group working on first hydrogen-powered commercial flight route.

  • Sustainable taxiing roadmap

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    Schiphol wants sustainable taxiing to be standard procedure at the airport by 2030.

  • Sustainable aviation. What can you do?

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    The aviation sector is working hard to reduce the CO₂ produced by flying. But there’s a lot you can do too!

  • Sustainable aviation. What’s Schiphol doing?

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    Schiphol has already been working on reducing CO₂-emissions for years now.

  • Sustainable aviation gaining speed

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    Royal Schiphol Group is leading a major European collaboration to accelerate the process of more sustainable aviation.

  • First electric aircraft at Schiphol

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    NLR gains experience and knowledge about electric flight with the Pipistrel Velis Electro.

  • RTHA to become energy positive

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    Rotterdam The Hague Airport is creating a solar park containing 37,000 solar panels. Producing 14GWh of electricity – 3 times more than RTHA actually needs.

  • M corridor undergoes sustainable metamorphosis

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    Circular furniture and exhibition: a more sustainable passenger journey.

  • Greener grass

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    5000 tonnes of grass clippings from the runway area will be given a second life. It will be turned into special panels, to be used in our construction projects.

  • Living lab for electric flight 

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    Eindhoven Airport, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Groningen Airport Eelde are going to be testing small electric aircraft

  • Sustainable taxiing uses less fuel

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    Testing done at Schiphol has shown that sustainable taxiing with a special vehicle - the taxibot - can lead to fuel savings of at least 50%.

  • Less noise nuisance for neighbours

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    Schiphol and LVNL’s 16 new measures to reduce noise nuisance in the local area

  • European roadmap for CO2-neutral aviation

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    Specific European-wide measures for a CO2-neutral aviation sector in 2050.

  • Investing in synthetic fuel development

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    Schiphol Group is part of two start-ups that are going to advance the development and production of synthetic fuels

  • Adapting to a changing climate

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    Schiphol is 4.5 metres below sea level. Because of climate change, the airport is in a vulnerable position.

  • Sustainable fuel available at Schiphol

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    Aircraft Fuel Supply, responsible for supplying fuel at Schiphol, now offers sustainable fuel

  • Sustainable hotel shuttles

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    Schiphol, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN) and Municipality Haarlemmermeer are collaborating on a shuttle system between Schiphol and hotels in the area.