Do I need a passport or ID card to travel?

As of 1 October 2021, you will no longer be able to travel to the United Kingdom using your identity card. You’ll need a valid passport. The reason behind this is Brexit – the UK is no longer part of the European Union. But where can you still travel to without a passport, just an ID Card?

Within the EU

If you are travelling within the European Union, your identity card may be sufficient. However, this depends on the rules of the EU country you are travelling to. It is sometimes necessary to also have a passport with you within the EU. Make sure you are well-prepared and keep your ID or passport with you (you must always be able to identify yourself). A driving licence is not valid proof of identity.

Outside Europe

A valid passport is a must outside of Europe. An expired passport will usually not be accepted as a valid proof of identity. Furthermore, many countries outside of Europe require you to have a visa. You can apply for a visa at the embassy of the country you are travelling to. Here’s a list of embassies in the Netherlands.

The Dutch Caribbean

When travelling to the Dutch islands Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius or Saba, you need a passport – an ID card is not enough. If you are a Dutch citizen and you are staying within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, you do not need a Caribbean visa.

Passport control

At Schiphol, either the Royal Dutch Marechausse checks your passport or you scan your passport at the eGate. If you fly to a Schengen country, you will not pass through passport control. That does not mean that you do not need to take ID or a passport with you; carrying proof of identity is mandatory almost everywhere.

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