Limited trains between Schiphol and Leiden Centraal

Last update: 6 February 2020, 09:58, Amsterdam

Works will take place on the train tracks at Leiden Centraal Station from 03:30 on Monday 10 February until Saturday 15 February. This may impact your train journey to or from Schiphol.

There will be less trains and trains will be shorter on the route between Schiphol and Leiden Central. Therefore, please account for extra travel time, large crowds and full trains. If at all possible, we recommend that you avoid the morning and evening rush hours.


If you plan to travel to or from Schiphol by train, please consult the NS Travel Planner (national rail service travel planner) online or through the NS App. You can find more transport information at 9292.


Please visit the Schiphol website to find out everything you need to know about travel to and from Schiphol by taxi.

For more information about the works and their impact, please visit the NS website.

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