Where shall we meet at Schiphol?

As you may well have noticed, the large red and white chequered meeting point in the central arrival hall at Schiphol Plaza is gone. The reason is that we removed the artwork – which is what the meeting point actually is – to free up more space for passengers at Schiphol Plaza.

What will replace it?

Since we do understand the convenience of having a central landmark where you can meet one another at Schiphol, we have installed a smaller meeting point at Schiphol Plaza. This pole has a cube with the words ‘meeting point’ printed on it. The meeting point at Schiphol Plaza has been temporarily relocated to the location between the NS counters and La Place, diagonally in front of Stach.

The next time that you agree to gather at the meeting point, keep in mind how it looks.

Read the previous blogs

  • Plant-based bonanza at Plaza

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    With more and more meat-free meals and snacks at various places at Schiphol, vegetarians are well catered for. You can enjoy a plant-based bonanza at Plaza!

  • A day in the life of... a project controller

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    We asked project controller Isho Toma about his position within the Finance & Control department at Schiphol and discovered that it’s a multifaceted role.

  • Ook Schiphol herdenkt met twee minuten stilte

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    Eens per jaar is het 2 minuten stil op Schiphol. Want ook hier herdenken we de Nederlandse slachtoffers van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en latere oorlogssituaties.