A little bit of Holland in your hand baggage?: Sadly, peanut butter is off limits!

Nothing beats a nice peanut butter sandwich, or chips with a good dollop of Dutch mayonnaise and peanut sauce. Lots of people take these tasty treats back home from their holiday in the Netherlands. There is only one problem: all too often, they put these items in their hand baggage. After water, jars of peanut butter, peanut sauce and mayonnaise are the most frequently confiscated items at Security Control. So what are the rules for liquids in your hand baggage?

Spreadable also means liquid

Liquid is a broad term. It includes your deodorant, hair gel and mascara, for example, but also peanut butter. And yes, that even means crunchy peanut butter. We regard all spreadable products (whether this be peanut sauce or jam) as liquid. The same rules apply to all liquids. You can take them with you in containers with a maximum volume of 100 ml, packaged in a transparent, resealable plastic bag with a maximum volume of 1 litre. One plastic bag is permitted per passenger.

So what can you take with you?

Anything really, as long as it is not on the list of hazardous items and contains less than 100 ml. For example, mini peanut butter cups are not a problem. You can safely include other food products in your hand baggage, such as Dutch cheese or chocolate sprinkles. And despite the name, you could even pack a watermelon if you wanted to, assuming you really want to carry something that heavy around with you!

Make your journey as smooth as your peanut butter!

If you still want to take those family-sized jars of peanut butter or peanut sauce with you, put them in your hold baggage. What if you do not have any hold baggage, or if you have already checked in your bags? You can send them by post! To do this, go to one of the Seal & Go service desks in Departure Halls 2 or 3. That way, you can still enjoy a delicious Dutch peanut butter sandwich when you are back in your home country.

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