BAS, for questions & complaints about air traffic

Have you got a question about a plane you saw flying overhead? Do you want to know which runways are in use? Or do you want to file a complaint about noise nuisance? The Local Community Contact Centre (Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol, also known as BAS) is there to help. BAS can help you find the answers to your questions, and they also collect all complaints about nuisance and air traffic so that Schiphol, Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management can take action.

Information about air traffic

You can find all the information about air traffic and runway use on the BAS website (only available in Dutch): The homepage shows where aircraft are flying in the area around Schiphol, which runways are in use and other up-to-date information about Schiphol and air traffic. You'll also be able to read the latest news. You'll find all the answers to questions about runway use, maintenance, noise nuisance, air quality, safety, flight paths, weather conditions and much more on the Vraag & Antwoord page. If your question isn't there, you can send it in by filling out a form or by calling BAS on 020-6015555.

Reporting noise nuisance

If you'd like to report air traffic-related noise nuisance, go to the page Melding doen. In order to file a complaint, you'll have to create an account and then log in. Then you fill in the day and time at which you experienced the nuisance. The BAS system automatically links your complaint to the flight that may have caused the nuisance at the specified time and location. You can also file a complaint about a specific period of time. The system will link it to all flights in that period. This provides you with information about the possible cause of the experienced nuisance.

From complaints to measures

It is important to file a complaint about nuisance with BAS. This information about which flights may be causing disturbance is valuable. BAS cannot solve the issue of noise nuisance, but all together these complaints provide a good picture of the nuisance experienced. Schiphol and LVNL uses this information to take nuisance-reducing measures. Complaints made to BAS were also important for the measures taken on Moreover, it can contribute to the creation of new policy or to the tightening of legislation and regulations.

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