Disruptions and calamitiesWhat to do in a crisis

Do you know what to do in a crisis situation? In order to adequately respond to disruptions and crisesAt the very least, your Local Emergency Response Plan (L)ERP must meet the recommendations listed in the National Crisis Plan for Civil Aviation Accidents (National Crisisplan Luchtvaartongevallen Burgerluchtvaart).)

Verstoringen- calamiteiten

Company Instruction Manual

The Company Instruction Manual describes Schiphol's responsibilities and the role that you play in response to major disruptions and crises. At the very least, your Local Emergency Response Plan (L)ERP must meet the recommendations listed in the National Crisis Plan for Civil Aviation Accidents (National Crisisplan Luchtvaartongevallen Burgerluchtvaart).

The current version of the Company Instruction Manual is available upon request at customersupport@schiphol.nl. New versions of the manual will be emailed personally to the regular contacts of the Customer Solutions department.

Alert service Airport Community App

The Airport Community App will be used to inform you by message or email about serious operational disruptions as well as reduced capacity because of adverse weather.

Please download the Airport Community App to create an account for 'AO messaging' if there's an operational need to receive the messages.

Flight reduction procedure

A voluntary procedure was implemented in 2015. It applies to predicted temporary disruptions at Schiphol leading to an estimated capacity reduction of 50% or more with a duration of at least four hours.

Severe capacity reduction of 50% or more for the duration of at least four hours may occur in situations of adverse weather conditions, like persistent storms or heavy snow fall. The flight reduction procedure is intended to allocate the remaining capacity in a fair and balanced way, and to minimise impact upon airlines and passengers.

National Crisis Plan Civil Aviation Accidents

Many parties have specific tasks, responsibilities and jurisdiction in the event of an aviation accident. In the National Crisis Plan Civil Aviation Accidents you can read how these tasks, responsibilties and jurisdiction cohere with each other.

Key documents

The following documents are relevant for both airline and ground-handling employees.


Please call +31 20 601 2222 or 112 for:

  • Fires

  • Accidents

  • (Environmental) incidents

  • Suspicious, hazardous and life threatening situations.