Cargo statistics: Schiphol Cargo figured out

Cargo Transport per month (x tonnes)

Subject to changes and typing errors. Entries that show zero will be updated when the figures become available.

Maand 2023 2024
Jan 103.981 118.252
Feb 109.032 121.854
Mar 121.746 136.492
Apr 113.459 117.659
May 117.999 122.511
Jun 112.995 121.648
Jul 113.537 0
Aug 110.344 0
Sep 117.325 0
Oct 121.995 0
Nov 115.816 0
Dec 120.029 0

Cargo transport by region, juni 2024

Region Volume % ch. 2023
Asia 44.171 5,31
Middle East 20.564 10,75
Africa 10.129 5,17
Latin America 12.217 -3,3
North America 21.214 18,33
Europe (incl. domestic) 13.353 8,64
Totaal 121.648 7,66

Cargo Transport by region (inbound/outbound), juni 2024

Region Inbound Outbound
Asia 24.159 20.012
Middle East 10.879 9.685
Africa 6.693 3.436
Latin America 6.850 5.367
North America 8.553 12.661
Europe (incl. domestic) 7.051 6.302

Air Transport Movements Full Freighter Services

Maand 2023 2024
Jan 1.325 1.307
Feb 1.333 1.331
Mar 1.446 1.363
Apr 1.317 1.199
May 1.414 1.289
Jun 1.337 1.241
Jul 1.315 0
Aug 1.270 0
Sep 1.291 0
Oct 1.355 0
Nov 1.270 0
Dec 1.296 0

Average MTOW Full Freighter Aircraft (x tonnes)

Maand 2023 2024
Jan 328 325
Feb 329 325
Mar 327 326
Apr 337 337
May 336 331
Jun 333 330
Jul 336 0
Aug 337 0
Sep 330 0
Oct 331 0
Nov 328 0
Dec 328 0

Subject to changes and typing errors. Entries that show zero will be updated when the figures become available.