News: Buitenveldertbaan Runway maintenance in July

Maintenance works will be carried out on the Buitenveldertbaan Runway from 14-21 July. The runway will not be available during the works. The expectation is a small increase to landings made at Schiphol-Oostbaan during that period.

Published on: 27 June 2019

What we’re doing

A number of maintenance tasks will be carried out during the works that will not take that much time. We call these minor maintenance works. For instance, the runway tracks will be cleaned, and broken lights will be replaced. We will also remove the rubber residuals that are left behind every time a plane lands from the runway. That rubber can get in the asphalt, making it less rough. The rubber is removed after every few-thousand landings. We remove it by first spraying it loose with a high-pressure sprayer, before it is ‘sucked up’ by a special truck. We also repair the asphalt, clean the drainage gutters and update (repaint) the track markings.

For more information

If you would like to know more about the impact of maintenance on our runways, please visit to see the most current runways in use.