News: Bring your advertisement to life

It's recently become possible to run moving advertisements on our digital screens as well as static ads. This kind of technique is known as 'light dynamic' and creates the idea of a moving poster. It's an additional media option that draws passengers' attention due to its unique form. What makes it so special is that it's not a poster but also not a video: it's actually a well-balanced combination of both types of advertising media.

Published on: 30 March 2017

We will gladly help you to develop an effective digital campaign using this new technique. To help you, we’ve developed some guidelines for producing a lightly dynamic advertisement:

  • Start with the thought that you are going to bring a poster to life. In other words, you will be lightly animating a static picture, rather than developing a short video. The file you produce will be a video file, but the style will be very light animation.
  • Keep in mind that your message has to be understood within a few seconds, so think of an engaging and short message that draws the audience’s attention to the screen.
  • It is important that your corporate brand is recognizable at all times and that your call to action is shown throughout the whole message.
  • Make sure that the text can be read from further away as well as close by. Use universal fonts that match the design of the rest of your content.
  • Use lightly animated content. Too many different visuals can be disturbing and distract the audience from your key message.
  • You can easily use components from printed advertisements. Don’t use web ads though, since these are only meant to be displayed on small desktop/laptop screens and their resolution will not be good enough for large digital screens.


Your creative campaign is linked to a specific slot in the digital screen. The time length of each slot is 7 seconds. If you wish to use more slots, we can play several ads one after the other. You can find the specifications per media item in our product sheets.