Flying more sustainably. Is it possible?: The Future Case

Flying. It’s something we all like to do. Visiting beautiful places, discovering other cultures or simply getting away from it all. However, we all know by now that flying contributes to climate change.

Flying has to change and a lot has already changed

Schiphol wants you to be able to continue flying and discovering the world. But we know all too well that flying needs to be done differently, more sustainably. And a lot has changed already. What are we doing? We’re pleased to let you discover that for yourself with The Future Case, Schiphol’s newest asset. This interactive installation allows you to travel from the past to the present and to the future, learning about how Schiphol has been making your journey more sustainable along the way. A lot more has already changed than you might expect.

Electric vehicles, sustainable energy, off the gas grid, recycling waste

More and more of the taxis and buses that bring you to Schiphol are electric. There are also more electric vehicles at the airport, including the buses that bring you to the plane. And did you know that Schiphol is powered entirely by Dutch wind energy? If you charge up your phone at the airport, you do so sustainably. In addition, the arrival and departure halls are predominantly off the gas grid and many of our buildings have been given energy label B. An increasing amount of waste is being recycled, which ideally happens on site.

Sustainable aircraft will be available in the longer term

The most significant impact of your trip is the flying itself. The Future Case also shows where we stand and what we will be doing, together with our partners. Refuelling with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is currently the only possibility. Some airlines already offer the option to buy SAF when booking your ticket. But more is required in order to make your flight more sustainable. A lot of work is being done worldwide on electric and hydrogen planes. However, we only expect large-scale application in the longer term, between 2030 and 2050.

Visit The Future Case in Lounge 3 or online

In The Future Case, making your entire journey more sustainable comes to the fore. From your journey to Schiphol and your time at the airport, to the flight itself. You also get tips on what you can do to fly more sustainably. And that’s more than you might expect too. Curious? You’ll find The Future Case in Lounge 3, next to House of Tulips. If you’re not coming to Schiphol any time soon but still want to check it out, go to We wish you a pleasant journey on the way to more sustainable aviation!

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