First hydrogen-powered air route

Royal Schiphol Group is working with several partners on the first emission-free commercial air route. The aim for this route – which will see a fully hydrogen-powered aircraft fly between Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTHA) and London – is for it to be launched in 2024. The aircraft can accommodate up to 19 passengers.

Hydrogen-powered flight a milestone

Royal Schiphol Group has signed a collaboration agreement with ZeroAvia (the developer of the aircraft), the Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport foundation and Rotterdam The Hague Airport. This partnership is an important milestone and puts the operational expertise surrounding hydrogen flight into practice in the Netherlands.

Integration in airport process

ZeroAvia and Royal Schiphol Group are working together to develop refuelling with hydrogen at the airport and to integrate this into the airport process. They are also focusing on commerce, infrastructure and regulation. Talks between ZeroAvia, Schiphol Group and the airlines to find an operator for the planned route are in the final stages.

Groundbreaking hydrogen-electric powertrain

ZeroAvia’s main focus in the development of these aircraft is a groundbreaking hydrogen-electric powertrain system. At manageable temperatures, the only emission produced is condensation. This means that sustainable flight is possible. Hydrogen-electric technology has the added benefit of having lower operating costs. That makes these routes more attractive to airlines, airports and passengers.

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