60-seconds Q&A: Introducing Roos Bakker
The cargo team at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has evolved in the past year following the launch of the new Route Development, Cargo and Customer Experience (ACC) department, and new appointments to the team.
One new member is Roos Bakker who joined the cargo team as Director of Business Development for airline route and network development, Holland Flower Alliance, e-Commerce, Asia, and Africa.
Roos was already well-known after working for Schiphol Group for 12 years, including seven years as Senior Security Process Manager within the Safety, Security and Environment Department, before joining the cargo team last year.
Her knowledge of aviation and willingness to learn about the world of cargo has made it a pleasure to welcome Roos to the team, and now it is time to introduce her to our Cargo Community in the best way we know how – with a 60-seconds Q&A.

What have you learnt during your first 100 days in cargo?
In my first 100 days with the cargo department, I met many new colleagues from the community. In cargo, who you know is very important, so I have been busy networking, introducing myself to people, and forging new business relationships. I love meeting new people and learning about the different aspects of cargo, so this is something that I will continue to do with great pleasure as I continue to establish myself in the role.
I have learnt that cargo is very dynamic, and the supply chain intrigues me because it connects us to everything. It is a system with so many interdependencies, almost like a game of dominoes. If one part fails, then it can impact the entire supply chain.
What has most surprised you about working in cargo?
Actually, there are no big surprises, it is just more complex than I had thought. The cargo world could be more innovative because if we keep doing what we have always done, then the result will end up being the same.
What advice would you give to a young person considering a career in cargo?
Young people are full of fresh energy, so they should really delve into the different elements of the chain and get a feel for how the industry operates. Aspiring air cargo professionals should also invest a lot of time in getting to know their colleagues and the leading figures in the industry. The world of cargo is a big playground where you can do everything that you want if you put your mind to it, and the community is very welcoming. However, it is important to remember that it takes time and patience to accomplish digital transformations.
One of your responsibilities in Business Development is the Holland Flower Alliance. What is your favourite flower and why?
The rose, of course. Should I explain that?
Where is your favourite place in the world and why?
There are many beautiful places, but for me Durban is very special. I lived and worked in Durban for a long time, and that place will always be special for me.
If you could travel to a new place tomorrow, where would it be and why?
To the North or the South Pole because they are parts of the world that I can’t imagine.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it?
To put smiles on people’s faces and offer a little moment of happiness.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I wish I could fly! And sing!
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
Isaac Newton or Michelle Obama. I would choose Michelle because she has the best approach to achieving a work/life balance and she has an amazing spirit. I would also like to ask what she would change if she had the influence to do so.
What is your motto for life?
Be in the moment and be open for change. If you always do everything the same, then you will never know how wonderful something else can be.
If you would like to come in contact with Roos about her Cargo efforts, please send Roos an email.