hero aviation solutions

Passenger Experience PlatformThe PRM call point

The PRM call point hardware & software aims to surpass regulatory compliance and introduces a new era of care, convenience, and efficiency in airport PRM services. Airports can adapt to the growing needs of PRM passengers while enhancing operational effectiveness. The newly developed PRM call points are setting the benchmark for the future of accessible travel.

PRM Call Point visual

Regulatory compliant

The PRM call point hardware and software are fully compliant with the 2025 European Accessibility Act.

A future proof solution

Continuously updated and improved, to meet and exceed expectations of PRM.

Efficient operations

The synergy between the PRM hardware and software maximises efficiency for the airport and increases convenience for the passenger.

The primary features of the PRM call points

Our hardware was designed with ease-of-use and convenience for the passenger in mind, and being fully compliant with the EAA standards. Our experience with maintaining the Self-Service Units at Schiphol for several years have also compounded in this design. Key hardware features:

  • Camera and microphone for video-call capabilities

  • Hearing Loop to connect to hearing aids

  • Storm device for screen reading and control for visually impaired passengers

  • Boarding pass scanner for efficient handling


  1. Lighted information sign

  2. PRM audience icons

  3. LED lighting for visibility + speakers

  4. Slanted back panel

  5. Camera

  6. 12,1” touchscreen (high brightness)

  7. Digital keyboard supporting multiple character sets (e.g.as Greek, Arabic, etc.)

  8. Microphone

  9. Boarding pass scanner

  10. Braille instructions

  11. Protruded call button incl. tactile indicator

  12. Climate control

prm callpoint specificaitons

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