News: Summer crowds and local residents

Summer is well and truly here – which is traditionally a busy time when many Dutch people go on holiday. That’s particularly noticeable between the end of May to the end of August. When it’s busy at Schiphol, it can also mean more noise pollution in the area. We expect the same summer levels as last year, apart from the maintenance works happening on the Buitenveldertbaan Runway.

Published on: 27 June 2019

Summer is normally busy

If you remember what Schiphol was like last summer, you'll have some idea of what to expect this year. Although last year we had extra difficulties related to the unexpected failure for the service roadway, which took the Polderbaan Runway out of commission.

On average, there are many more flights in summer than during the rest of the year. Despite the agreements that were made about the most optimal way to use the runway, residents certainly notice the summer rush at Schiphol. There are still peaks in the number of flight movements, but in between that, planes may be regularly heard flying overhead. Air Traffic Control must use all the available space to ensure that all flights run smoothly.

Keep an eye on runway use

You can keep an eye on current runway use by visiting the Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol (Contact Point for Residents) website at or follow the live air traffic on Schiphol Flighttracking.